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Letter from President Rios - March 31, 2020


Tuesday, March 31

Dear Nolan Catholic Families,

Thank you all for your ongoing support, patience, and positive feedback. Nolan Catholic will adhere to Governor Abbott's mandate to continue social distancing and extend off-campus virtual learning through May 4th until further notice. As we continue to gain more information daily on new restrictions and expectations by our local officials in keeping our community safe, we will send updates as information becomes available. Administrators are planning options for upcoming events with our student organizations and will send more information within the next several days.

The ongoing prayers generated within our community are much appreciated, and much needed as we continue to learn more about the different needs in our Nolan Catholic community. Thank you all for your participation in our virtual gatherings for prayer and continued opportunities in praying and growing together in love, family, and our Catholic faith.

Prayerfully yours,

Leah Rios President, Nolan Catholic High School

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